Services & Rates

90 min DISTANCE HEALING SESSION with asha: $220

This treatment is for individuals who are unable to come to the office in person, and are seeking energetic healing through distance. The Reiki Therapist uses meditation, visual imagery, chakra stones, essential oils and singing bowls to emit distance healing to a client. Often, warmth and vibrations can be felt by the client during this time. The distance healing symbol is utilized by the Reiki Master. An oracle card guidance reading is included, as powerful messages can come through. The therapist will convey all detailed messages and areas of healing that were focused on during the treatment to the client via recorded audio. Similar to an in person session, spirit animals, ancestors, and guides may also come through to relay messages to the client through the modality of channeling Reiki.

2 hour in person shamanic reiki session with asha in North Bergen, nj: $350

This is for first time (as well as current clients) seeking healing services at Reiki Traveler LLC. Light touch healing in the form of Reiki is performed on a heated massage table from the crown down to the root chakra. The therapist will complete a thorough energetic body scan, chakra assessment, and allow for an in depth discussion prior to and post Reiki treatment. This includes guidance of any intuitive messages post treatment, as at times, though not guaranteed, colors and visions may be seen by the therapist. Shamanic clearing techniques through crystals, feathers, shells, sound healing, and elements like water and fire may be utilized in the session. Often times, spirit animals, ancestors, and higher guides may come through and communicate with Asha while she is providing Reiki, and any messages are relayed to the client post treatment. Chakra balancing exercises may also be recommended. A short guidance card reading may also occur if the therapist is drawn to obtain further intuitive messages. Clients often sense a feeling of deep relaxation, feeling comforted by the aromatherapy and therapeutic touch used throughout the session. Asha’s specialties: cancer clients, as well as fertility and prenatal care. Packages of three sessions are also available at the rate of 900. Clients with a cancer diagnosis may need more frequent sessions and we can adapt cost and session time as needed).

75 min SHAMANIC TOBACCO CLEARING with asha: $180

Hapé is a very sacred snuff, made by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon. This powdered tobacco is a deep cleanse for the body, mind, and soul. Asha will perform a shamanic clearing for you using Hape (Grandfather medicine from the Amazon)- in which this sacred powder is blown up the nostril through a tool. Clients often go into a deep meditation for 20 min, as Asha clears & grounds them with sage, sound healing and aromatherapy. Great for physical pain as well as emotional releases.

90 min cacao ceremony: $220 pp (available individual or for a small group)

Sacred ceremony created for you individually (or with loved ones if you'd like to do a small group). Includes preparation of Reiki infused Cacao sourced from Guatemala. Cacao is a natural plant medicine used for heart opening, grounding, and lifting moods. Mama Cacao can intuitively speak to you and help you come more into love as you sip on this earthy concoction. Guided meditation, sound healing, Reiki, journaling and intuitive chat included. Also great to empower a couples connection.

30 min oracle card reading: $60

Asha will intuitively pull oracle cards for you from various decks and email you your reading once it is complete. Feel free to email your question to and she will have it to you (includes voice audio with your messages and images of cards) within 3 business days.

60 min family distance healing: $175

Email Asha at all names and locations of family members you’d like to include for your collective family distance healing. If there are specific blocks you’d like to release, or questions for spirit- please also include this via email. Asha will complete this within 3 business days of the request and notify you when it is complete. This is not a phone call/zoom session.





RMT Certfication in Ubud, Bali


REIKI traveler Training

In Level 1 Reiki you will learn the following and more:

  • the history of Usui Reiki

  • the three degrees of Reiki

  • the foundation and principles of Reiki

  • receive the Level 1 Reiki attunement (4 times)

  • seven chakras & characteristics 

  • the traditional Usui Reiki hand positions

  • other Reiki uses 

  • practical application/how to do a quick chakra balancing

  • ethics

The primary purpose of Level 1 Reiki is to get comfortable feeling and playing with energy! So there will be lots of practice and open discussion, as well as room for questions. This course is the foundation to the others (Level 2 and Master Level). After taking this course, it is strongly guided to perform 21 days of self healing, even if it is just giving yourself Reiki for a few minutes each day.

An "attunement" is how this energy healing system is passed down from the Reiki Master/Teacher to the student. It is a sacred and highly respected process. In Reiki Level 1, the same attunement is giving 4 times- which consists of a seated meditation and me guiding your hands in various positions, and can take around 15 minutes each time. Once your attunement process is complete, you will be able to begin channeling Reiki through your hands for yourself and others. The process is now done virtually, and students are reporting similar effects to that of the in person attunement process.

Cost: $625 for 1:1 virtual training (includes manual sent to you) or $650 in person.

Schedule: Flexible for afternoons or evenings, 6 hours total.

Please email for consideration.